As part of a commitment to making a God-sized Footprint in our own community, Central is partnering with our friends at Weaver Elementary to have a Food Fight! Food Fight is a competition between local schools to raise donations of food supplies to support Ozarks Food Harvest Weekend Backpack Program. Ozarks Food Harvest reports that more than 1 in 7 kids in Springfield and the surrounding rural areas do not have adequate access to food at home. The Weekend Backpack program—which has served more than 1,700 children across the Ozarks—provides food-insecure children with a bag of child-friendly food items to take home every Friday of the entire school year.
Here’s how you can help!
Purchase non-perishable food items to donate. Specifically, some of the most needed items are:
Tuna or other canned meat
Peanut and other butters
Boxed meals, rice, and pasta
Beans, soups, or stews
Canned fruit and vegetables
Bring those items with you to church and put them in the large Food Fight receptacles in the lobby by Wednesday, March 12th.
Thanks for your generosity supporting our local community!