You’ll see all ages present in our services. We have no expressed or implied dress code, so attire will vary, but for the most part you’ll find business casual is fairly common. You’ll find greeters welcoming you as you come in the door, and coffee nearby if you’d like a cup. Once a month we have name tag Sunday, and we’d love for you to participate if you come that weekend. Grab a tag and marker as you come through the door and jot down your first name. We have people who have attended for years who are still meeting new friends, so this is a tradition even long term members have really embraced… you won’t be the only one with a name tag!
Kids Activities
Our kids check-in opens in the lobby 15 minutes before any activities, and you can always expedite that process by pre-checking using our Plan Your Visit page. Age appropriate activities are provided during Sunday morning and Wednesday Night services through Central Kids, Central Preschool, and Central Nursery. Our goal is for your child to feel engaged, welcomed, and secure.
And speaking of security, we take the safety of your family very seriously, so all of our nursery, kids, and youth volunteers are screened before being approved to serve. We maintain a large security team led by hired officers, and our pick-up process requires proof of guardianship before any child leaves their designated activities.
options for youth
For your middle- or high-schooler, Sunday holds great class options at 9:00am with Central Youth in our Activity Center, located directly across Campbell street. Youth can choose between classes geared for Bible study or discussion-based groups, where they can connect with others and talk honestly about questions and doubts with someone who has been there before. We’ll have donuts ready, and it’s a great place for your student to make connections. After 9:00am classes, many of the youth come over to the 10:45am worship service and sit together in the sanctuary. If there’s any way we can make them feel comfortable and welcome, just let us know by Planning Your Visit!
praise and worship
Central Worship is led by Worship Pastor Josh Shaffer, and typically includes a team of vocalists, our Central Worship Choir and Orchestra, and band. It’s a big, participational experience and the congregation is welcome to engage at all times. Some people worship expressively with hands lifted, and some are more reserved, or even remain seated. On any given Sunday, you’ll hear wide-ranging music from modern hymns to popular worship, always done in a relevant but uniquely Central style. Our congregation values depth and theology in lyrical content, but most importantly, we want to offer an authentic expression of worship to God.
You may occasionally hear the gifts of the Spirit as described in 1 Corinthians 14. If you’re interested in understanding more you can find a helpful FAQ article here. In short, “we do not look upon speaking in tongues as a proof of superior spirituality. It simply is a precious promise written in God's Word and fulfilled in our lives.”
Teaching from Dr. Jim Bradford
Dr. James Bradford teaches most Sundays at Central, although you’ll generally hear him referred to simply as Pastor Jim. You’ll find Pastor Jim to be a very relational communicator known for his humble and compassionate delivery of scripture and application. Messages typically last around 30 minutes, and will be followed by responsive worship as we close the service. Our volunteer prayer workers will typically be called forward at some point during the service—usually either during worship or after the message—to give you an opportunity to share any needs with someone who can join with you in prayer. Prayer workers will stand in front of the platform, and you’re welcome to come forward to join them, or simply pray at the altar steps.
after service
After service, you’ll find a friendly buzz in the lobby as people talk before leaving for the day. Kids should be picked up within 10 minutes of close of service from the same place you dropped them off. The person picking them up will be required to show proof of guardianship using the coded sticker provided at check-in. Once you’ve picked your kids up, we invite you to stay in the lobby as long as you’d like to greet others. Often we will have activities or programs available for sign-up there, as well.
Although it may take a few weeks for faces to become familiar to you, we believe you’ll enjoy checking out all that Central has to offer and meeting the great people who call this their church home. If you’re ready to take next steps attending Central, be sure to check the events page for our next Welcome to Central event on Sunday mornings, and consider getting plugged into a small group!