Three giving options.
One objective.
Spread The Gospel.
Throughout Christian history, tithing has been considered the action of an obedient and generous heart giving back cheerfully to God. Proverbs 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.” Galatians 6 also gives additional biblical context to the support of the local church through tithing. Whether you view the call to tithe as the traditional 10% or believe that the amount is to be chosen as a sacrificial gift to honor the Lord, we believe it is a biblical principle, and it is the core support that enables the operation of Central Assembly.
The Footprint Fund is where we put our money to work serving God’s mission and leaving a God-sized footprint in the world around us. The Footprint Fund supports wider ministry outreach both in our area and around the world.
Your giving enables local outreach like our annual Gifts for Kids—which puts a Christmas present in the hands of every child at Boyd, Weaver, and Pipkin schools—plus our ongoing support of partnerships with Victory Mission, Freedom City Church, and more.
It also invests in a generational footprint through ministries like Chi Alpha at Missouri State University and Drury University; internship programs for ministry students; and direct support of Evangel University and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.
Lastly, the Footprint Fund helps us partner with missionaries and organizations that spread the gospel to every corner of the globe, and respond with immediacy to emergency needs like the Ukrainian refugee situation in Eastern Europe. With approximately 200 missionaries supported, additional partnerships with organizations and compassion ministries, and opportunities to commission our most qualified laity to assist in ministry through Signature Footprint Events, the sun truly never sets on the outreach you make possible through your support of the Footprint Fund.
Every story has a setting, and Central’s campus is the place where much of our ministry story as a church unfolds. Therefore, it is imperative that we exercise good stewardship in keeping our facilities up-to-date and useful. The FullSpeed Fund helps us do this by accelerating needed projects around our campus, from behind the scenes maintenance work to highly visible remodeling projects. Every dollar given to FullSpeed Fund will be reinvested in our facility to keep it healthy and strong for the years to come.
If you prefer to give by check, you can mail your gift to: Central Assembly of God, 1301 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 65802
Central Assembly is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization.
All tithes, offerings, or donations of any kind to Central Assembly are tax deductible under IRC section 170(c)(2).
Unless otherwise noted and in accordance with IRS regulation, donors agree to relinquish control of the donated funds to the discretion of Central Assembly.