Welcome to Central
We would be honored if you would join us for our Welcome to Central event. We’ll share a little with you about Central Assembly and our philosophy of ministry here.… READ MORE

Serve Class
God has given YOU unique interests and skills. The Serve Class has been a really important tool for so many of our volunteers as they look for the best way to use their talents to serve in ministry at Central… READ MORE

Palm Sunday | Night of Worship
Holy Week begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday… READ MORE

Walk the Last Week with Jesus
One of Central’s greatest traditions has been significantly overhauled and upgraded through a partnership with… READ MORE

Good Friday at Central
Central’s Good Friday service at 7:00pm is a soul-stirring evening of worship as we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus’ death on the cross… READ MORE

Resurrection Sunday
Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Plan now to celebrate Resurrection Sunday at Central… READ MORE

Membership Class
Membership at Central is a formal step of linking arms in commitment to what God is doing in our church. This class will provide information about Central’s history, doctrines, governance structure, and mission and values… READ MORE

Food Fight
As part of a commitment to making a God-sized Footprint in our own community, Central is partnering with our friends at Weaver Elementary to have a Food Fight! …READ MORE

Legacy Breakfast
If you’re over 60 years of age, we would love to have you join us for our monthly breakfast event and enjoy time in community with one another… READ MORE

Annual Business Meeting
We invite you to join us for our Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, March 9th at 4:00pm. If you are a member of the church, you can participate as we review financial and ministry reports…. READ MORE

Tea, Books, & Biscuits
You are cordially invited to enjoy morning tea with Central Women, complete with biscuits and other tea bites… READ MORE

Central Men’s Breakfast
Come to the Central Men's Breakfast for great food, friendship, and to hear a word from Phil McMillan on what it looks like to… READ MORE

Jersey Sunday
Jersey Sunday is coming, so you better show up game-ready. On Sunday, February 9th, show up to Central in your favorite team’s gear or colors and let everyone know what a winner you are—or how long you’ve been suffering… READ MORE

Kids Night In, Parent's Night Out
Give them a night for yourself. It’s time again for Central’s annual 2-for-1 event, Kids Night In/Parents Night Out, happening from 5:30-8:00pm on Friday, February 7th.… READ MORE

First Wednesday Service
Join us on the First Wednesday of each month for…. First Wednesday at Central! These services look a lot like our Sunday morning services. Pastor Josh and Central Worship will lead us, and we’ll have a short teaching from Pastor Jim or one of our pastoral team.… READ MORE

Central Women's Bible Study
This winter, Central Women will begin a Bible study using Priscilla Shirer's Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted. Video studies will be on Tuesday evenings beginning February 4th from 6:00-7:30pm… READ MORE

Evangel at Central
We’ve got a great Sunday planned on February 2nd at 10:30am as we welcome Evangel University to Central Assembly. Central loves being the church home for so many Evangel students… READ MORE

Together Like Heaven: An Evening of Unity in Worship
As we approach Martin Luther King Day, we’re excited and honored to join with Sanctuary of Praise COGIC and others for Together Like Heaven…. a combined worship event celebrating unity in praise to our King… READ MORE

Alpha Course Begins
Explore the questions of life and faith at our Alpha Course, starting on Wednesday, January 15th! Whether you're a lifelong believer or simply curious about faith, Alpha is a… READ MORE

Grief Share
Grief Share at Central is a safe, welcoming place design to help people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead… READ MORE

Family Communion
Gather your family to observe Central’s first Communion of the new year. Members of our pastoral team will be available in the sanctuary to lead you in taking the Lord’s Supper… READ MORE

Alpha Leader Training
Are you interested in serving at Central’s upcoming Alpha Course? The Alpha Course is designed to explore the Christian faith in an informal and welcoming environment, and our table hosts are a key part of that atmosphere… READ MORE

Online Service
We invite you to spend time with your family at home while joining your church family online at www.centralassembly.tv for our final service of 2024… READ MORE

Christmas Eve at Central
A longstanding tradition at Central Assembly, we take one final time to reflect on the gift of Christ’s birth before Christmas Day….READ MORE

Family Service
Join us at 10:30am on December 22nd for our Family Service in the sanctuary as we prepare for the final Christmas countdown! There will be no 9:00am activities or groups on December 22nd… READ MORE

Gifts for Kids Wrapping Party
Gather for a good time… for a good cause! Put the finishing touches on our annual Gifts for Kids efforts by joining our Wrapping Party on December 11th at 6:45pm in the upper foyer… READ MORE

Legacy Christmas Dinner: Joy to the World
Central’s Legacy Senior Adults will celebrate our annual Christmas Dinner on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:00pm in the Multipurpose Hall. We’ll be joined by guest musical artists Jeff and Sue Duffield as we fellowship together… READ MORE

Joy to the World: A Central Music Event
Central Worship kicks off the Christmas season with Joy to the World: A Central Music Event. The Central Choir and Orchestra—along with Central Kids and special guests—present an evening of broad-ranging, large-scale Christmas music… READ MORE

Joy to the World: A Central Music Event
Central Worship kicks off the Christmas season with Joy to the World: A Central Music Event. The Central Choir and Orchestra—along with Central Kids and special guests—present an evening of broad-ranging, large-scale Christmas music… READ MORE

Make Room: A Central Women Advent Gathering
This year’s Central Women Advent Gathering will reflect on making room for Jesus and others in our lives. We’ll enjoy an evening of fellowship, food, and Christmas festivities… READ MORE

Community Thanksgiving Meal
On Tuesday, November 26th, from 5:00-7:00pm Central will be partnering with Victory Mission to bring a hot, delicious Thanksgiving meal to people from around our community… READ MORE

Surviving the Holidays
This season of the year can be especially difficult for those who have lost a loved one. Bittersweet memories are often accompanied by feelings of isolation and sadness, but you are not alone! GriefShare at Central …READ MORE

Keeping Your Head While They Lose Theirs
Parenting is a profound journey full of joy, love, and uncertainty, especially in today’s landscape. "Keeping Your Head While They Lose Theirs" offers practical strategies for parents who feel overwhelmed by the demands of raising adolescents in a complex world… READ MORE

Sunday Prayer
Sunday, October 6 through Sunday, November 3rd, join us each week from 4-5pm in the sanctuary as we pray together for national and world events, particularly our upcoming elections... READ MORE

Future Hope Youth Rally
Get ready for an epic night at the Future Hope Youth Rally on Saturday, November 2nd, from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the Activity Center! This event is for middle and high school students... READ MORE

12th Annual Dodgetober
Middle and high school students, get ready for an epic night at our 12th Annual Dodgetober on October 30th! Open to all 6th-12th graders, this free event kicks off at 6:45 PM. Whether you bring a friend or join a squad, it's going to be one of the biggest and most exciting nights of the year. Don’t miss out!