A Note from Pastor Carter McDaniel

From the earliest days of the New Testament Church, we see examples of believers gathering to select leaders and discuss mission and other matters of importance (Acts 1:12-26, Acts 6:1-7, Acts 13:1-3, Acts 15, etc). While these gatherings included some debate and discussion (Acts 15:7), early believers ultimately sought guidance from the Holy Spirit in their decision making (Acts 15:28). And by gathering together to make prayerful decisions, they modeled principles of unity in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) that we can look to today.

I’m so glad to be part of a congregation that has held this biblical view of organizational decision-making in high regard for decades. Indeed, our organizational governing documents prescribe that at least once annually our membership should gather to review reports, select leadership, and conduct organizational business. 

The 2025 iteration of that meeting happened on Sunday, March 9. It was a joy to be able to gather with other members and celebrate what we see the Lord doing in the life of our church. In the course of the afternoon, we were able to review various reports and points of information about the previous year of ministry at Central. 

On the financial side, independent auditors gave Central’s 2024 financial statements an unqualified opinion, the most favorable level of audit outcome. Their accompanying report showed detailed information about Central’s financial position which remains quite strong. Treasurer Kenton DeVries also presented an overview of the 2025 budget that has been adopted by the board, and the membership ratified this budget by a unanimous vote. 

We also elected two positions on our Board of Deacons that also serve as trustees of our organization. Kenton DeVries and Melissa Brown were each elected to serve a three-year term. I’m grateful to each of the nominees who allowed their name to stand in nomination for these positions, and we look forward to working with Kenton and Melissa on our church board.

A highlight of the meeting was Pastor Jim’s report on church ministry from the previous year. As in previous years, this report was presented in both written and video format. You can watch the video report above, or review the written report here. 

I am grateful for each of our members who took time to participate in the meeting. And I am grateful to be part of a leadership and governance structure that prioritizes transparency and organizational excellence. But most of all, I’m grateful for a congregation that beautifully models unity and passion for mission as we seek the Lord’s future for Central Assembly. As we officially close the books on the year of ministry of 2024, I am so excited about what the Lord is already doing in the life of our church in 2025 and that great days are ahead for us at Central.


Pastor Appreciation & Offering